






July 2024

Fabian Wohlfromm (AGTEF) will give his PhD-Defence on 15.07.24 at Room 001. Buildung 91 at the Medical Faculty.The defence will start at 14.00.


November 2023

Prof. Dr. Inna Lavrik was awarded to the Editorial Board Award of the journal "Frontiers in Cell Death and Survival". She was appointed as "Outstanding Associate editor of the Year 2023".

November 2023

Emilie Rieneck from Institute of Systems Biology, Magdeburg had a talk at 26th Meeting on Signal Transduction at Weimar. 

July 2023

Prof. Dr. Andrey Grigoriev from the University of New Jersey, USA, will give a Seminar about 'New fragments of old molecules: innovative approches to inferRNA targeting'. The talk will be on Wednesday, July 26 at 15.00 om Room 027, Building 28 /Pfälzer Platz 2. 

June, 2023

AG TEF is proud to host the Cells webinar: 'Quantitative Understanding of Apoptotic and Non-Apoptotic Signaling,' which takes plase on 15.06.2023 at 10 am. 

May, 2023

The defence of PhD-thesis by Laura Hillert-Richter will take place on 04.05.2023 at 12.00 in G22A-216.

 May, 2023

Prof. Dr Kirill Rosen from the 'Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology' at the Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada) will give a Seminar about 'Anoikis at the roads of life and death in breast cancer cells'. The talk will be on Tuesday, May 02. at 15.00 in Room 027, Building 28/ Pfälzer Platz 2.  Prof. Rosens research is focused on the mechanisms by which oncoproteins Ras and beta-catenin promote colorectal cancer and breast cancer.

February, 2023

The defence of master-thesis 'Uncovering the role of DED-proteins procaspase-8 and c-FLIP in the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis' by Pia Grimpe (AGTEF) will take place in Geb.22 G22A-216 at 10.00 am on 23.02.23.

Letzte Änderung: 08.01.2025 - Ansprechpartner:

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