November 2024
November 2023
Emilie Rieneck from Institute of Systems Biology, Magdeburg had a talk at 26th Meeting on Signal Transduction at Weimar.
July 2023
Prof. Dr. Andrey Grigoriev from the University of New Jersey, USA, will give a Seminar about 'New fragments of old molecules: innovative approches to inferRNA targeting'. The talk will be on Wednesday, July 26 at 15.00 om Room 027, Building 28 /Pfälzer Platz 2.
June, 2023
AG TEF is proud to host the Cells webinar: 'Quantitative Understanding of Apoptotic and Non-Apoptotic Signaling,' which takes plase on 15.06.2023 at 10 am.
May, 2023
The defence of PhD-thesis by Laura Hillert-Richter will take place on 04.05.2023 at 12.00 in G22A-216.
May, 2023
Prof. Dr Kirill Rosen from the 'Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology' at the Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada) will give a Seminar about 'Anoikis at the roads of life and death in breast cancer cells'. The talk will be on Tuesday, May 02. at 15.00 in Room 027, Building 28/ Pfälzer Platz 2. Prof. Rosens research is focused on the mechanisms by which oncoproteins Ras and beta-catenin promote colorectal cancer and breast cancer.
February, 2023
The defence of master-thesis 'Uncovering the role of DED-proteins procaspase-8 and c-FLIP in the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis' by Pia Grimpe (AGTEF) will take place in Geb.22 G22A-216 at 10.00 am on 23.02.23.